This is a meeting I do not attend now because it is primarily for conservators. However, I would like to have a summary of this discussion. Is someone on the list planning to attend? Would that individual mind providing a summary of the discussions? I would really appreciate knowing what their views are and what sort of strategies they are considering in response to the shift of resources to digital projects.
Patricia Morris From: owner-padg@xxxxxxx [mailto:owner-padg@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Baker,
Whitney S
The Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group is scheduled to meet on Sunday, June 18th from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. as part of the American Institute for Conservation’s (AIC) 34th Annual Meeting in Providence, RI. The theme for the discussion is The Changing Role of Collections Conservation II: New Workflows and New Collection Paradigms. The discussion will be organized around two topics: Topic 1: Conservation's Role in Off-Site Storage Workflows and Related Projects Many research libraries have recently secured or are currently constructing off-site storage buildings to house low-use and special library materials. Questions to explore may include: How and to what degree are conservation staff and conservators involved in the planning process? What input do conservators have on buildings construction, storage mechanisms, and item or collection-level selection? How are materials processed or stabilized for transfer? What kinds of new workflows and projects have been created as a result of transfer to off-site storage facilities? What is the impact on existing function and staffing levels? How has this work been absorbed into the Conservation Lab or department’s work? If it hasn't, how is this work accomplished outside of the lab by other staff? How has the option for this type of access affected treatment decision-making?
Topic 2: Conservation's Role in Digitization Workflows and Projects The introduction of digitization projects has also changed the nature of the work we do. Questions to explore may include: How are
conservators involved in work related to digital projects? How has
the digitization of collections affected treatment decision-making? The discussion will be informal. Participants are encouraged to bring and share policies for transfer of materials to off-site storage, prioritization decision-trees for storage and digitization, handling guidelines, budget plans, or other relevant documentation. We hope that you will join us and share your perspective and experiences. Anyone willing to provide documentation in advance of the meeting for copying and distribution or display via Power Point should contact the discussion group moderators, Whitney Baker (wbaker@xxxxxx) and Christine McCarthy (cmccarthy@xxxxxxxxxxxx) by Friday, May 26. Christine
McCarthy Whitney
Baker, Conservator