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[PADG:1059] News from NYU Libraries Preservation

Greetings all! -- Kate Contakos, Preservation Librarian, and I are thrilled
to share the attached URL with the official announcement of NYU Libraries'
newly expanded, newly furnished Barbara Goldsmith Preservation and
Conservation Department described here in the Libraries' newsletter.  See
also, further into the issue, preservation project announcements and a brief
bio of two new staff members: Laura McCann, Conservation Librarian, in
charge of the expanded conservation program; and Sarah Ziebell Mann, Moving
Image Preservation Specialist, in charge of two new labs in the BGPC
Department: one for video and and one for film. Melitte Buchman, Digital
Conversion Specialist, continues to oversee digital preservation projects
but now also has additional responsibilities in the video digital conversion


Paula De Stefano
Head, Preservation Department
New York University Libraries
70 Washington Square South, LL2
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212/998-2563
E-mail: destefano@xxxxxxx
FAX: 212/995-4583


Kate Contakos
Preservation Librarian
New York University Libraries
Preservation Department
70 Washington Square South, LL2
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212/998-2518
E-mail: contakos@xxxxxxx
FAX: 212/995-4583

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