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[PADG:1293] Oversize shelving for music scores


I've been asked by our music librarian to help devise a solution for
shelving our oversized music scores.  I have a couple of ideas of my own,
but I thought I would poll the group too.

Our collection is now shelved on about 8 shelves in open stacks.  The
shelves are solid and measure 3 linear feet, 17" deep, no ends to the
shelves due to the fact they are bolted to the supports.  All music scores
are either commercially bound or pamphlet bound and a few are in
commercially made portfolios (buckram covered 4-flap enclosures with ties).
We used to shelve the scores flat, but we found that since most are very
thin, we were wasting much space, weren't minimizing damage and they were
getting reshelved willy nilly in piles.  We now shelve them upright, by LC
call number (the librarians prefer they remain upright).  Some scores are
around 40cm tall and are shelved next to scores that are 90+ cm tall (that's
3 feet!) Of course, the big scores are also the thinnest ones and then lean
over the smaller ones--actually most of the scores are really thin and can't
stand up on their own.  We also need some type of bookends, since the 90cm
scores have leaned on the regular sized bookends we have, and the bookends
and scores are playing a great balancing game (not good for the scores, but
I'll bet it would really enthrall some physicist).  So, I'd love to hear
from you all about what cheap (of course), creative ways you've come up with
for shelving oversized scores upright.

I'll compile for the list, if there's interest.


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