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RE: [padg] Shelf-ready Binding

Yankee Book Peddler provides this service, and their prebinds are done
by Acme.

Pete Merrill-Oldham
Dir. of Marketing & Sales
Acme Bookbinding
100 Cambridge St.
PO Box 290699
Charlestown, MA 02129-0212
617 242-1100
fax 617 242-3764

-----Original Message-----
From: Paula De Stefano [mailto:pd3@xxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:11 PM
Subject: [padg] Shelf-ready Binding

Greetings, all!

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has experience with binding
part of the "shelf-ready" acquisition process.  I am primarily
interested in
quality and quallity control issues, but also any advice on the
of specifications for binding in the RFP/RFI's with the vendor.  Please
respond to me off-line at: destefano@xxxxxxxx

Thank you!

Paula De Stefano
Head, Preservation Department
New York University Libraries
70 Washington Square South, LL2
New York, NY 10012
Voice: 212/998-2563
Fax: 212/995-4583
Email: destefano@xxxxxxx

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