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Re: [padg] stained glass restoration

The Wall Street Journal had an interesting article last month on
stained glass restoration. Cite: "Miracles of Resurrection,"
May 29, 2007; Page D8

Vicky McCargar

:: Victoria McCargar, M.A., MLIS
Digital archives and preservation consulting
AIM: vickymcc
skype: vicky_mcc

On 6/20/07, Sophia Jordan <sjordan@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Greetings! Yes, from a conservator's perspective, I agree with Beth. I was Head of Preservation during this period and had the opportunity to meet with the conservators and guilders and they are without question, excellent.

Good luck.

Sonja K. Jordan-Mowery Joseph Ruzicka & Marie Ruzicka Feldmann Director of Library Preservation The Sheridan Libraries Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Voice: 410-516-4383 Fax: 410-516-4355

>>> Beth Picknally Camden <bethpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 6/20/2007 11:31 AM >>>

Although I don't have direct experience with this company, I have seen
the beautiful end-product of a restoration at the University of Notre
Dame.   It was done by the Conrad Schmitt Studios in Wisconsin:



Fox, Lisa wrote:

>Dear colleagues, I am posing this query in my personal rather than professional capacity.  My parish has allocated money for a significant project to restore our stained-glass windows.  We have discovered that some of the lead is deteriorating, and the wood around some of the windows is rotting. We also plan to replace the deteriorating, yellowed Lexan (?) with a newer protective covering.
>We are marooned here in the Midwest, where conservators aren't exactly plentiful.  So far, we have identified only one stained-glass studio that might do the work: Bovard Studios.
>I would appreciate knowing whether any of you are familiar with that studio and can comment on their conservation qualifications.  I would also invite any of you who have expertise in this field -- or who know of other qualified conservators who work in Missouri -- to contact me offline.  I would like to have more bids on this job.
>If my parish were exploring conservation of its paper and photograph collections, I would know how to evaluate the potential vendors.  But, when it comes to stained-glass conservation/restoration, I am at a complete loss.
>Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
>Lisa L. Fox
>Grace Episcopal Church (& Missouri State Archives)
>Jefferson City, MO

Beth Picknally Camden
Goldstein Director of Information Processing
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
215-746-4149            bethpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"You must do the things you think you cannot do."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

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