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Re: [padg] Serial Binding Questionnaire

Dear Jeanne,
Thank you for your response!  I do have a couple of follow-up questions.  You mention that many materials at LC are boxed.  What is your criteria for serials to be boxed vs. commercially bound? Also, do you think boxing is a viable option for open stacks as well as closed stacks?  I think a great concern for SIL is losing individual issues if serials are not bound ( e.g., misshelving, lost in researchers' offices).
Thank you again for your time.
Lorrie Dong

MSIS/CAS Candidate

Kilgarlin Center for Preservation of the Cultural Record

School of Information

University of Texas at Austin

On 7/25/07, Jeanne Drewes <jdre@xxxxxxx> wrote:
response is attached.

Jeanne Drewes
Chief, Binding & Collections Care,
Library of Congress, LM-G20
202 707 5330
FAX: 202 707 3434

>>> "Lorrie Dong" <lorrie.d@xxxxxxxxx> 7/18/2007 2:45:12 PM >>>

I am an intern at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries' (SIL) Preservation
Services Department, and I'm working on providing recommendations to SIL
regarding its commercial binding strategy for print serials.

SIL's serial collection is on par to that of a small to medium-sized
university ARL.  If you are involved in contract binding at a similarly
sized ARL, I would greatly appreciate your help by answering the brief
attached questionnaire and returning it to me (lorrie.d@xxxxxxxxx) no later
than Friday, August 3rd.

If you are interested in the results, please let me know.  Thank you!



Lorrie Dong

MSIS/CAS Candidate

Kilgarlin Center for Preservation of the Cultural Record

School of Information

University of Texas at Austin

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