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[padg] Position available

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES is recruiting for a Preservation Librarian in the Barbara Goldsmith Preservation & Conservation Department. The job description and application procedures appear below. The deadline for application is September 21, 2007.


Title:  Preservation Librarian


Description:  The Preservation Librarian oversees the physical care, protection and handling of NYU Libraries’ collections and manages a program of collection care and preventive actions to preserve library and archival materials. Responsibilities include planning and implementing condition assessments; maintaining library-wide procedures for the proper storage and handling of all collections; supervising mass deacidification, commercial binding, and reformatting activities for the Libraries’ general and special collections; implementing basic preservation education for Library staff and patrons; assisting in disaster preparedness and salvage activities; and managing an environmental data collection program for the Libraries. In addition, grant-related responsibilities vary from year to year.


The Preservation Librarian reports to the Head of the Preservation Department and also assists in program planning, prioritizing, and grant-writing to preserve the Libraries’ research materials. S/he works with the department’s conservation librarian to address collection maintenance issues; collaborates with the moving image and sound preservation specialist and the digital conversion specialist; and interacts with other Library faculty to fulfill preservation program responsibilities.


New York University Libraries:  The Libraries of New York University hold collections totaling more than 4 million volumes, almost 5 million microforms, 500,000 government documents, 80,000 sound and video recordings and a wide range of electronic resources. The collections grow by more than 140,000 volumes annually. Library facilities at New York University serve the school’s 40,000 students and faculty. Over 700,000 library items circulate each year. The Division of Libraries consists of the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library and the Libraries of the Institute of Fine Arts, the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Real Estate Institute. Separate libraries support the curricula of the schools of Law, Medicine and Dentistry. New York University is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Research Libraries Group, the Digital Library Federation; and serves as the administrative headquarters of the Research Library Association of South Manhattan, a consortium that includes three academic institutions.


Qualifications: ALA-accredited master's degree in library and information science and an advanced certificate in preservation administration. At least three years experience working in a library, special collection, or archive environment. Knowledge of book and paper preservation; familiarity with preservation standards, ethics and current trends in the field. Experience with staff supervision and project management. Strong leadership skills. Knowledge of standard word processing, spreadsheet, and database software, database development and data management skills. Strong organization skills. Strong writing and oral communication skills. Strong project management and interpersonal skills. Ability to work in a large, complex and changing environment with diverse staff. Experience developing, designing and/or carrying out condition surveys and preservation needs assessments preferred. Knowledge of non-print media preservation desirable.


Salary/Benefits: Faculty status, attractive benefits package including five weeks annual vacation.  Salary commensurate with experience and background.


Apply: To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including the name, address and telephone number of three references to: Janet Koztowski, Director, Human Resources, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012.






Paula De Stefano

Head, Preservation Department

Barbara Goldsmith Preservation &

     Conservation Department

70 Washington Square South -- LL2

New York, NY 10012

Voice: 212/998-2563

Email: destefano@xxxxxxx


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