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[padg] Internship announcement - University of Virginia Library

The University of Virginia Library is pleased to offer an eight-week summer preservation internship to provide a graduate student with practical experience in the principles and techniques of preservation in an academic research library environment. This internship has been made possible by the generosity of Elizabeth D Moyer PhD, Stevens M Moyer and Michael C Powanda PhD.

The University of Virginia Library is proud of its dynamic and growing preservation program which was recently awarded a Save America's Treasure grant to conserve, digitize, and provide enhanced online access to the Barrow laminated Papers of John Randolph of Roanoke. With several other grant proposals in the works and plans to build a conservation lab and moving image / audio preservation lab, we can offer an exciting summer practicum for a student in an eligible ALA-accredited master’s program in library and information studies focusing on preservation administration or the conservation of library and archival materials.

For further details, eligibility requirements, and sample internship projects, please see the attached announcement.

The summer 2008 internship provides a $3,500 stipend and up to $500 for related professional development during the internship terms (e.g., conference or workshop registration and related travel and accommodation expenses).

Students interested in the internship should submit (via email) a letter of application stating their areas of proficiency and interest, a resume, a list of completed classes (unofficial transcript), and contact information for three references to Holly Robertson, Head, Preservation Services (hollyr@xxxxxxxxxxxx) by February 29, 2008.


Holly Robertson
Head, Preservation Services
University of Virginia Library

Alderman Library
Preservation - Rm 113
P.O. Box 400150
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4150
office: 434.924.1055
emergency cell: 571-332-8417
AIM: h011y2121 | GoogleTalk: h011yr0b3rts0n

Attachment: 2008-UVa-pres-intern.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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