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[padg] Re: NEH Preservation and Access appropriate for 2009!

Well, as I read the press release - it's all microfilm's fault.

"The decline in microfilming applications and the completion of the
USNP program have afforded the Endowment an opportunity to reassess its
preservation and access grant categories. The FY 2009 budget for NEH’s
Division of Preservation and Access has been adjusted accordingly."

I'm more than a little surprised to see that NEH was spending $4
million a year on microfilm. Well, at least we've got that pricey
microfilm behind us and we can move on to thriftier projects like
preserving computer games and virtual worlds.

Kevin Driedger
(tongue thoroughly in cheek)

Kevin Driedger
Cataloger/Collections Conservator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo
P.O. Box 30007
Lansing, MI 48909

>>> carignan <carignan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3/6/2008 3:12:47 PM >>>
Dear Colleagues,

Has anyone seen that the NEH 2009 appropriation request for
and Access is $13,861,000 compared to $17,671,000 in 2008?  Does anyone

know what got cut to the tune of 4 million dollars?  Any ideas for what

to do to object?

See the 2009 request at http://www.neh.gov/pdf/NEH_BudgetReq_FY2009.pdf

compared to the 2008 request at 

Thanks for any insights,


Yvonne Carignan
Library Director
Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
801 K Street, NW at Mount Vernon Square
Washington, D.C. 20001

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