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[padg] ALCTS planning database


  This a friendly reminder that there is an ALCTS Planning Database into which all committee chairs and interest group leaders should be entering information about planned activities as well as going back into the database to update activities already entered. 


The database can be found at   http://www.ala.org/cfapps/alcts/planning/plan_home.cfm   You will need to log in order to access the database.


Every chair or interest group leader should be looking at the database prior to ALA meetings to make sure that activities are listed and up to date and after each ALA meeting to update entries and add new activities.


The database does not reflect our reorganization plans and so please use the old committee and discussion groups names.  Also, please be aware that at this point no entry can be deleted.  So, if something has been entered twice under slightly different names, pick one and in the notes/comments section indicate that the problem (duplicate, incorrect entry, etc).  You can edit entries and I do suggest that corrections and updates be added as needed.


We are working with ALCTS to see about getting some of the glitches (including the inability to delete an entry) taken care of.


The planning database is the simplest way for us all to see how well our activities are meeting our strategic plan.  It is also useful for chairs to see if anyone else is planning a similar activity or perhaps to coordinate activities. 


If anyone has questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Bobbie Pilette

Preservation Dept

Yale University Library








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