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[padg] FW: Monthly Update - April 1st

please do take note of the date; but too good not to share.



From: Charles Wilt [mailto:cwilt@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 2:24 PM
To: alctsleaders@xxxxxxx
Subject: [alctsleaders] Monthly Update - April 1st


Dear ALCTS Leaders, Friends, and Colleagues,


I thought a reminder of things that are yet to come would be worthwhile to start with.  We have a series of webinars on Institutional Repositories beginning next Wednesday, April 8th, and running once a month into June.  The E-forum continues to be popular.  As you've seen, Lisa German will be leading a discussion on April 6th and 7th on budget reductions and what that means.  More are in the works.


Although not official, it looks like ALA will announce that the opening general session for ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC in 2010 will feature a debate format presentation featuring Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow.  Resolved:  Libraries?


The American Girl Company has a new doll coming out just in time for the ALA Annual Conference.  The new doll called Marian will be the first American Girl of the 21st Century.  Born into an Iowa family of librarians, Marian's adventures show the inevitable conflict between stereotype and reality in the world of information pursuit.  Big crowds are expected at the new north Michigan Avenue store in Water Tower Place.  Discount coupons will be printed in the ALA Program book given to all attendees. 


Since the ALA Annual Conference will happen after the Taste of Chicago held in Grant Park, in its place, ALA will be hosting the first and maybe last conference wide pot luck dinner.  Lists of what people can bring will be posted to the conference webpage in a few weeks, so look for that and plan on digging out that cranberry apple crumb cake recipe you got from your Aunt Louise years ago.


The Obama adminstration has expressed concerns over the impact of the economy on university endowments this past year.  To help bolster the need for Wall Street to continue to hire new MBA's from Harvard, the administration has given Harvard $1B to replenish its endowment to support the training of future Treasury Department officials.


Ever vigilant in acquiring funding, ALA has provided the Obama administration a list of "shovel ready" projects.  First and foremost on the list is the completion and implementation of the RDA project.  In addition to the current model being developed by ALA Publishing, the funding request also includes Xbox and Wii versions.


Speaking of RDA, the Joint Steering Committee for the Development of RDA met a couple weeks ago.  There was a huge crowd that gathered to witness the event.  However, after seeing its shadow, we should expect at least 52 more weeks until RDA comes.


A couple of notes about ALA finances and the economics downturn.  Over the last few months, the ALA management team has been looking closely at the impact of the economy on the ALA budget for this fiscal year.  Taking one idea from the current administration, ALA management and BARC have agreed to implement a new dues strategy for members currently earning over $250,000.  Those members would see an immediate doubling of their dues to $260 from the current $130.  Middle income members will not be affected.  The increase is estimated to bring in a few thousands of dollars over the next ten years.


In another effort to deal with the projected deficit this year, the ALA budget team is looking at ALA travel for cost savings.  Under intense scrutiny are upcoming trips to Caribbean Library Association meeting in Aruba, the French Library Association meeting in Cannes, and the Mexican Library Association meeting in Los Cabos.


In the tradition of bow tie day during the ALA Council Meetings at Annual Conference, this year's Council Meeting will include a "Sleeveless Day".  Citing the precedent set by Michelle Obama, Executive Director Keith Fiels stated "it may not be pretty but we felt that we needed to support the First Lady's initiatives".


There is no truth to the rumor that the federal government will force a merger of ALA with AALL, MLA and SLA over a perceived notion that the current associations have failed to produce a viable association model that potential Gen X and Millenial members will actually join.


Due to the financial crises facing GM and Chrysler, work on ALA’s Data Dashboard is being suspended.


The Obama administration has not revealed whether it will accept ALCTS’ re-structuring plan as presented.  Administration officials are unhappy with the handling of the hundreds of dollars of pay increases and bonuses given the staff.  Further discussions are being held.


I pleased to announce upcoming continuing events for ALCTS for the rest of the Spring.  Here is just a sampling to whet your CE appetite.

Look for E-forums on:

            Adapting work flow to the new AACR2

            Collection analysis issues management in small research library environments

            Preservation of Sumerian stone tablets


A new Webinar Series will debut in June on "Collecting and Cataloging Facebook Posts of Honors Students in Mid-sized State Related Institutions in the Upper Midwest".  Look for more information later in the Spring


Our publishing manager, Christine Taylor, will soon announce a new set of CMDS Sudden Selectors Guides.  The new guides will cover:  Parapsychology and Paranormal Science; Highly Classified Governments Documents; and Conservative Political Economic Theory in Dickensian England.


The makers of the very popular Wii are in the development stage of two exciting new products that might be attractive to the library community:

            Cataloger’s Desktop Hop - an exercise program for the sedentary cataloger amongst us.

            Worldcat Workout - similar to CDH but for the public audience     


And the last item I have for you.  I am very happy to report that book publishers are releasing several new titles in honor of National Library Week:

            Library on the Corner of Print and E

                        A friendship develops between a retiring print cataloger and an aspiring e-resources serialist.

            The Last Dewey

                        A recent discovery of a lost Dewey revision to his classification system results in murder and intrigue in mid-1930's America.

            The Associate University Librarian

                        An idealistic new AUL takes a job at a major reseach library only to find out that nepotism and corruption abound.

            Preservation Road

                        Catastrophic events push a young preservationist to the edge.

            The Blogger

                        A student assistant falls in love with his supervisor, a beautiful young librarian.



As normal as I get,





Charles Wilt

Executive Director





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