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Do You Provide Audio Preservation Services?

Greetings all.
In the next week or two I will be preparing a consultant's report for a client who has in their collection approximately 200 seven-inch reels of acetate tape and 35 12" acetate (lacquer coated aluminum) instantaneous discs. The discs are from the late 1940s and early 1950s. The tapes are from the late 1940s to the mid 1960s.
In my report I would like to provide a list of people, organizations, or archives that could provide professional preservation transfer services for the above formats. This is simply for informational purposes at this point. The client has received funding to do some preservation microfilming of related paper materials and to do a survey of the sound recordings (which I just did). They will need to raise grant funds in order to proceed with the recordings preservation work, so that is still a-ways off. But when I submit my report, it would be helpful if I could list some resources so when the time comes the client could solicit bids for the work.
If you do this type of work for hire, please send me any pertinent information by email or by snail mail. If you have a brochure, I'd like to receive at least two copies--  one that I'd attach to the report and the other I'd keep for my own files. If you have only a web site (or prefer that as a source of information), let me know the URL. I'll compile all the information and send it along to the client in the next couple of weeks.
Finally, for those who are curious, the reels of acetate tape are not in great shape--  the usual pack expansion with lots of air spaces, some cinching, curling, spoking, splices, stiffening, etc. At least there is no mold....  The discs are very clean and show no signs of flaking--  yet. The significance of the recordings and the desirability of doing preservation transfers is something I'm still investigating.
Oh yes-- I am familiar with quite a few of the people on this list that do this sort of work, but it wouldn't hurt for me to have the most current info you've prepared about your services.
Thanks in advance,
Steve Green
Western Folklife Center
501 Railroad Street
Elko, NV 89801

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