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Re: arsclist polypropylene and tyvek liners


Mike> There is a third style which I like very much. The disc is not
Mike> secured on  the hub but free to rotate.

This looks a much better proposition.  The problem with the two types
I was describing is the disc is held tight on the centre boss.  To get
the disc off, most users will naturally lever up one edge (which puts
the play side of the disc in contact with the case material) and then
rotate it as they pull it off the boss - thus introducing scratches
without even trying.

Mike> The product name is CD Guard, but I do not recall where I found
Mike> it. Neither do I remember the price, but it was less than that
Mike> for a standard jewel case.

Details on http://www.cdguard.com/item1.htm for those interested.

Graeme Jaye


Audio Restoration and CD Repair

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