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Re: [ARSCLIST] National Recording Registry

I just listened to the npr show. The host was uninformed. The guests were
dull and uninteresting and I still fail to see what this Recording Registry
program is going to accomplish except wasting the taxpayers money. How much
money has Congress allocated for this project? It is the library's job to
preserve and protect our cultural heritage. The best way to preserve sound
recordings is to convert them to cds and mp3 files and make them available
on the internet. Anything else is living in the past. Sound preservation is
not rocket science. Mr. Smolian could not even instruct a woman how to
convert a cassette to a cd or mp3. The host said "with great difficulty".
Here's how you do it fellas. You take a cassete recorder and hook it up to a
phillips (or any other brand) cd recorder and you transfer it following the
simple instructions in the manual. Converting sound recordings to digital
recordings takes no expertise at all. The LOC should be in the process of
converting ALL of their cylinders to cds or mp3s instead of wasting time and
money on stupid lists like this.-m.l.


From: James L Wolf <jwol@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] National Recording Registry
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:03:01 -0500

    Here's another disclaimer. I'm not speaking for the Library here,
only for myself. Even though I only intend to state a fact... can't be
to careful these days.

   Just want to clear up a misunderstanding stated below. The list of
50+ recordings (nicely beefed up by naming whole sessions or periods of
time) named by the Librarian are supposed to be preserved by the Library
in some way and I have no doubt that everyone involved will do the best
job they can with the resources made available to them. The process of
preserving them will initiate discussion of important preservation
issues. Members of this list-serv and other concerned parties will most
likely be involved in some way.
   What will NOT happen is the posting of these recordings (beyond a 30
second fragment, if that) on the internet or any other kind of
unlicensed sharing or dissemination. The Library may preserve any
recordings it wishes to under fair use laws, but it may not distribute
them.  As has been stated before, all recordings appear to be under some
sort of copyright unless proven otherwise. It's possible that 1 or 2 on
the list are actually in the public domain, but that will have to be

James Wolf

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