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Re: [ARSCLIST] Digitizing multitrack sources

Paul Golowitz <paullists@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 

>I'm not an expert in archiving, but it seems to me that pro-tools or
>some such digital multi-track recording software/hardware system would
>be the best way to go.   You could record the four tracks into
>pro-tools, say, at the same time as .wav files and back the session up
>on Archival Gold Cd's.

Alternatively, you could run the signal from a 4-track tape machine
into a digital multitrack recording machine, through each track's
individual input.  Higher-quality machines (I am thinking specifically
of the Akai DPS series) can burn the files as data CDs, or you can use
a USB cable to transfer the files as a single multitrack .WAV or
individual mono .WAV files.  The advantage will be that since the
tracks are recorded together, even as separate mono files they will
always be in synch with each other.

Michael Shoshani

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