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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cassette obsolescence - digitizing standards

Back in here, I'm afraid:

On 21-Feb-06, at 9:52 PM, Dave Bradley wrote:

First off, you can upsample a 16-bit file to 1 24-bit file with absolutely no increase in noise or relative distortion. If you find elsewise, then you are either doing it wrong, or have really poor software.

Distortion is a change in the sound. You are adding information that is not there, hence, it is a distortion. "Cleaning up" the sound, is also a distortion, of course. Everything adds distortion, starting at the microphone, so life is a question of minimizing the distortions, and being mindful of which and how you are adding...Personally, if I were going to be doing my processing at 24 bit (which I wasn't commenting on in my last post), I would transfer it at 24...I'm not so sure I would be upres-ing to 24 from a 16 bit; I would have to think about it quite a bit further, and would bet it had something to do with circumstances being that I didn't have hold of the original, and there were very special circumstances to warrant the upresing and dithering in addition to the processing.



Second off, the error caused by truncating OR dithering would be within 1 value, not 14, so again the point is moot. You would prefer to increase errors by up to 14 points (in my example) just so you can avoid adding a possible 1 point error? Hardly what I'd call a sound business practice when accuracy is indeed a necessity.

And this is regardless of what software or noise-shaping algorithms used. Why do all this to audio from a cassette that most likely already suffers from noise/hiss problems? Oh, and last but not least, my ears can pick up the other problems that this scenario creates -- audible digital artifacts. The only way to avoid having to deal with this mess is to do the job right in the first place and make the original transfers in 24 bit. It might be best for the original poster to invest a few dollars in obtaining an Alesis Masterlink.

One man's opinion.

Bob Conrad
Fort Lee, NJ

Alyssa Ryvers

Composer / Sound Engineer
Music North

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