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Re: [ARSCLIST] The waltz (was Which U.S. orchestra recorded first and Arthur Fiedler)

James Brown is noted for pushing the ONE beat, creating the amazing rhythmic drive of his music.

Russ Hamm

My assumption has always been that the rock'n'roll drummers of
that period simply weren't competent enough to master that, and
instead went to the "one-two-THREE-four" that backed up rock
from that point until much later. Contemporary pop music uses
a "funk" dance rhythm that is lifted from Black artists, most
notably James Brown...which, if carefully analyzed, turns out
to be based on the old tango rhythm.

Anybody out there in Radio-Land make any sense of this?

Steven C. Barr


Russ Hamm
Ed Tech Specialist
National School District (http://nsd.us)
San Diego County, California
tel. (619) 336-7752
FAX (619) 336-7551

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