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[ARSCLIST] FW: [MLA-L] Record sales figures from before World War II?? (fwd)

A question one of you discophiles out there could probably answer. I would
assume you might reply directly to the individual, I cannot help but
wonder if many of us on this list might like to know some answers.


From: Music Library Association Mailing List On Behalf Of Gary Boye
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: [MLA-L] Record sales figures from before World War II??


Is there any way to obtain sales figures of 78 rpm. records from the 1920s
and 1930s?  I have a patron interested in some rather obscure (or at least
average) country recordings from various labels from this period and
wondered if there is a compilation of the sales of specific records.  I know
I've seen numbers attached to major artists (e.g., the Carter Family or
Jimmie Rodgers sold over 1,000,000 records of a particular single), but not
for the average performer.

ANY help would be greatly appreciated--I'm afraid I'm lost in the
pre-Billboard period!


Gary R. Boye, Ph.D.
Music Librarian
Appalachian State University

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