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No, sometimes I probably just sound like a cranky old man!

Hey, if the president has his way with the national treasure, we will be blowing large clumps of money in the near future to go back for ... what??? Let's be honest here. The moon shot was an amazing technological feat, but its true aim was politics -- to get there before the USSR, and to get them to blow a large chunk of their more limited resources (and they took the bait, just like they did with the Reagan military build-up). Sure, we made some discoveries and took some great photos, and proved human enginuity is amazing, but do we really have the national will or treasure to repeat the same steps again, in these times? I'd argue, no. And I really can't see any reason to send people to Mars. Every probe sent there says the same thing -- there ain't a lot of there there as far as anything beneficial or economically useful. That's a lot of money to spend for a geology lesson. Meanwhile, NASA really has gotten better at unmanned probes and they are best equipped of all government agencies to get some better science on the atmosphere and climate change. That's where the national treasure should be spent. I say, pull out of the space station, retire the shuttles after one more big mission -- repairing Hubble again so it'll go another decade or two -- and then get out of the manned space flight business.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lou Judson" <loujudson@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] NASA

Tom, I thought you were older than I?!? I was 19 at the time... and we still have not been back to the Moon for 36 years or more...


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Aug 15, 2006, at 2:07 PM, Tom Fine wrote:

Now what I'm not clear on, was there a simultaneous low-quality feed coming live from the moon? I always thought the moon walk was broadcast live, at least those grainy videos, but I was only 3 years old then (although I do remember all of us crowded around the TV watching the spacemen). Actually, the unfortunate fate of these tapes PROVES that the MO you described is best followed.

-- Tom Fine

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