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[ARSCLIST] discography of "direct-to-disk revival"?

Hi All:

Was there ever published a discography or listing of all of the direct-to-disk revival LPs? That was a short-lived fad but there were some great-sounding records made. I have just a handful but I imagine there were maybe a couple hundred made.

I would argue that some of those recordings were as good as vinyl could get. It was an interesting time in the recording business because some of the great old-school engineers were still around in top form and there were still jazz and classical artists who could nail it live in the studio in one take, and the studios were past the early and mid 70's "dead coffin" acoustics. Plus that generation of mixing consoles sounded good again in most cases.

Interesting -- in a couple of cases I later bought the CD, which was obviously made from a tape run at the time. You can really tell how Dolby A NR on the tape quashes the sound, even when a good CD mastering job was done.

-- Tom Fine

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