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Re: [ARSCLIST] Thirties Stereo

The 1979 US Bell System Lps ?

--- Larry Friedman <disquod@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Ironically enough, I recently went on a search for
> the Stokowski Bell Labs
> recordings, and the only thing I found was that Iron
> Needle disk. I have
> never bought anything by this label for obvious
> reasons, but I had no choice
> here, so I did. The transfer is actually not bad.
> There is a certain bloom
> to the sound that I liked. I couldn't help but
> wonder where they had stolen
> the recording from.
> Soon after I bought the Iron Needle disk (that has
> about half of the
> recordings), I found a "private" disk of all of the
> Bell recordings pressed
> by Theo van der Burg of the Netherlands. His site is
> http://www.med.hro.nl/burtw/. I have nothing to do
> with Her Burg, except
> that I am a happy customer of his. His product is
> extremely well done, very
> clear and open, and he was kind enough to send the
> set out to me even though
> PayPal had bollixed up the payment. I imagine the
> rest of his transfers are
> equally as good.
> I heard the Ellington "accidental" stereo disks a
> number of years ago. They
> were pressed and released, but I have forgotten by
> whom. The sound was good
> and certainly less distracting than the Fantasia
> sound, where each choir of
> instruments keeps bouncing around from speaker to
> speaker. As I remember,
> the Ellingtons had a very nice spread. I will try
> and find out on which
> label they were transferred.
> -Larry Friedman
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion
> List
> [mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx]
> > On Behalf Of joe@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 10:17 AM
> > To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Thirties Stereo
> > 
> > The reference found on the web points to a CD on
> the Iron Needle label,
> > and for me that is not a thrilling recommendation.
> Has anyone heard this
> > CD and care to comment on the quality of the
> transfer?
> > 
> > Joe Salerno
> > Industrial Video Services
> > PO Box 273405
> > Houston Texas 77277-3405
> > 
> > Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
> > > I have the Beecham centenary box,referenced on
> this
> > > board,which looks good thanks for the link.While
> > > was behind the curve,in putting out thier first
> > > Lps,and getting into stereo,they weren't  the
> only
> > > ones.Victor,put out both 33 "Lps",and were into
> > > stereo,in the 30s.The Lps,were the famous
> "Program
> > > Transcriptions',there are a few pop ones,but
> there is
> > > also the Stokowski "Unfinished",which i own,and
> the
> > > Toscanini Wagner Preludes,which i am actively
> > > seeking,as well as a Beethoven #5,which i don't
> know
> > > who did.(Like to get this too.)
> > >
> > >   As for stereo,I am aware of two systems.There
> is a
> > > very cumbersome Victor system,that used
> synchronized
> > > tandem turntables,with the left,and right
> channels,on
> > > two different records.I am aware of recordings
> of this
> > > type,by Duke Ellington,which I heard,when they
> were
> > > issued on CD,several years ago.
> > >
> > >   And then there was Bell
> Telephone/Laboratories,with
> > > thier famous Stokowski recordings,of 1931,issued
> on
> > > private Lps,by Ma Bell,in 1979. Quoting from the
> liner
> > > notes "Another Bell Labs innovationfrom this era
>  was
> > > stereophonic recording and reproduction.As the
> quality
> > > of sound systems improved,some kinds of
> distortion
> > > became noticeable.A.C.Keller and I.S. Rafuse
> concieved
> > > a way of reducing them by seperating the high
> and low
> > > frequencies and recording them on parallel
> tracks on
> > > the same record.Later they fond a way of
> recording two
> > > complete sound tracks in one groove and using a
> single
> > > pickup to reproduce both tracks simultaneously
> with
> > > minimum interference.From this came the
> recording of
> > > two full range bands from left and right
> microphonesin
> > > the same groove-the stereo technique perfected
> by
> > > Keller and Rafuse in 1938.
> > >
> > >   But Stereophonic records needed needed
> expensive
> > > pickups and two amplifiers and speakers,so it
> was
> > > difficult to find a market during the depression
> era
> > > of the 1930s.It wasn't until after World War II
> that
=== message truncated ===

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