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Re: [ARSCLIST] Slides and inconvenient media

Nikon makes a 35mm roll adapter. I know this because a guy with a Nikon slide/negative scanner scanned my filmstrip without damaged it. I had to then divide each frame into 2 images since each filmstrip frame is 1/2 a 35mm image frame. Took about an hour in Photoshop. Then someone with more patience than I tuned up the colors quite nicely.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Slides and inconvenient media

Tom Fine wrote:
So Mike, how were you going to put these onto DVD? Please detail, either on-list or off because like I said I have one all digitized but still not positive how best to put it together (format, etc).

-- Tom Fine

While I did not qualify, I had managed to obtain a half dozen with the idea of CD-ROM slide shows with recordings - not for distribution since rights would be unobtainable, but as a demonstration. Unfortunately, the filmstrips had been mishandled so badly that I abandoned the project.

As I said, I abandoned the project. Also as I said, I was planning to put each onto a CD-ROM, not a DVD; at the time I initiated the effort and obtained the filmstrips, DVD capability was rare.

VCD was not an attractive choice since I wanted to pack a full opera (typically, 2.5-3.5 hours) onto a single disc. PowerPoint was an option as are several proprietary formats used by the publishers of CD mastering software. Had I gone ahead, PowerPoint would have been most likely (though I've not used it otherwise) to allow playback on other platforms.

Incidentally, one of the minor problems is that suitable scanners want transparencies either in slide mounts or chunks of a few frames at a time. I'd have had to have a device made to scan the filmstrips without damaging them.


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