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On 24 apr 2007, at 18.16, Bob Olhsson wrote:

It depends on where it was manufactured, when it was manufactured and is
often related to specific mothers or masters used in manufacture. The whole
point was to be able to trace any problems that came up, such as skipping,
to their source.

Thanks: Do you (and the others on the list) consider it would be fair to associate many matrix numbers to the stated label number. That way the collector of "just a given label number" gets what they require and the purist who needs to drill down even further can review the given information?

Steven C Barr also wrote:

"For LP's (etc.) it depends on the policies of the record company.
Some companies assigned separate matrix numbers to each song...
particularly when they were recorded (or final-mixed, in this
current era) on different dates and/or in different places."

I have only seen, from the sample I've just checked, one number etched into the viny and normally only one (or more) of the same numbers on the label. Can you give an example to help clarify your example?

Rgds, Darren

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