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Re: [ARSCLIST] Record databases--was: MP3 player for public

On 25 apr 2007, at 03.31, Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:

Well...remember that, to me, "phonorecord" means "78rpm record"...if only
because the imposing task of trying to list EVERY sound recording...analog
or digital, regardless of format...that has ever existed is simply too
overwhelming to even THINK about!
I think the task of compiling every 78 is still a hard to manage project. But I am hoping that my project will build on quality information with many sources to ensure the highest quality of information. Of course user interaction will be essential. I don't wish to criticise other sources of information either but I guess it is easy to introduce errors when compiling databases from databases without stricter controls. Maybe a sort of "Oxford English Dictionary" equivalent with good controls, peer review and interaction. Of course, some of the information stored might be esoteric and only of interest to the purist, and some of the information might only be used by someone trying to tidy up their collection.

Now, a discographic database is NOT the same as a catalog (in spite of
the fact that catalogs could be an important data source for such...!).
A catalog "describes," using a set of data fields, the subset of
phonorecords held by a SINGLE collector/institution/wotever. Thus,
entries like "Condition," "Price Paid," "When acquired" and such
become applicable (note that these aren't, and CAN'T be in any practical
sense, part of a discographic database!). As well, a catalog should
provide on the storage location of a given phonorecord in the collection;
a discographic database has the option of identifying holders of a given
phonorecord, but nothing more exact is needed.

My idea is to have this master index and to allow then the individual user (maybe paying a small fee to help offset the large costs of hosting etc) the ability to maintain their OWN collection database and a host of other features. Of course, when the user finds that they have a recording not in the master index, they can submit that information, etc and hopefully other community members will benefit/ can add additional information etc.

But the big question, would anyone use it... help to build in and police the data records... and maybe even throw some dollars at it.. Would there be any grants for this to help provide quality information. I just don't want to licence/get data and merge this in and introduce many errors and cause problems down the line just to be the "largest" database. I think quality counds and expansion can then be controlled, manageable etc.

My company is presently paying for the system development (but its potential use is not for 78s, but the system is being developed as "media agnostic").

Thoughts, brickbats and shouts of "Don't me mad... " welcomed !


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