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Re: [ARSCLIST] Is The Record Shop Dead?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brandon Burke" <burke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Friends, Romans, Perpetrators,
> I just got back in town and noticed that - in all of four days - 81  
> messages were sent out
> to the entire list on this one topic alone. As usual, the vast  
> majority of these posts were
> written by the same four people. Let's try to keep the private  
> conversations private please..
> i thank you for your consideration,
On the other hand...

Could it possibly be that there are only four (or so) subscribers to
ARSCLIST who are 1) interested enough, and 2) knowledgeable enough,
to create reasonably informative and intelligent messages relevant
to the given subject...?!

Or are you (as I suspect) being charged for your e-mail access at
a rate of X dollars and X-ty-X cents per kilobyte...?!

E-mail-list subscribers have an unfortunate characteristic of presuming
that any list to which they deign to subscribe should be operated so that
content is strictly limited to THEIR particular interests, with anything
else dismissed as "useless grabage, unworthy of being distributed...!"

It is the inevitable (however discouraging that may be...!) task of new
e-mail-list (and, in fact, new e-mail) subscribers to learn that any
group of subscribers (or contacts) is nothing more or less than a subset
of "everybody in the whole dommed world with Internet access!"

Thus, in the not-unusual circumstances that a mere handful of listeners
on ANY (not only ARSCLIST!) e-mail list or other gathering happen to
share in interest in one particular aspect of the generally-defined
"official" rules as to acceptable content...it is highly likely that
the aforementioned parties will exchange traffic concerning that topic...
VIA THE LIST! BTW, yes, I know it is technically possible to establish
temporary groups of e-mail recipients...however, that is a bit of digital
trickeration well beyond the capability of most of those (aka "us")

Steven C. Barr
(Na und...?!)

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