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One man's opinion -- I'm not sure it's a good idea to set a "STANDARD" (ie lock-step, ie dictated from on high) of PCM sampling and bit rates. Bits is bits. Very much agree with Doug that some super-high sample rate is inappropriate and wasteful for material like spoken word and pre-high-fidelity music content. But, for content with great frequency and dynamic range, a very high sampling rate is appropriate (although it's very debatable if there is ANY audible advantage beyond 96/24 when one applies science vs opinions). I have the same beef with lossy-compression formats. It's silly to "standardize" even in one's own iPod. I would argue that for well-recorded music with great frequency and dynamic range, it is best to not even use a lossy format but for things like spoken words or even lower-fi monophonic music content, one can get quite lossy without evident listening-pleasure damage.

In the digital world, we have a big advantage in that there can be many formats for many purposes and they're still easily exchangeable due to cheap/available CODECs. Any reasonable audio-editing software can work with a huge variety of formats, including lossy formats. So forcing a phoney standard is dumb since there are no real "issues" with different folks using different formats for different purposes. As I said, bits is bits.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug Pomeroy" <pomeroyaudio@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] BWF RF64

I'm told the Grammy Foundation standard is 196 kHz, which at least one professional designer
views as a huge waste of storage space.  And certainly overkill for spoken word recordings!


From: Parker Dinkins <parker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List              <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx>
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] BWF RF64
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 11:57:26 -0500

on 9/6/07 9:51 AM US/Central, John Spencer at js@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Regarding interchange vs. audio preservation, my personal view is
> that in a digital environment, pervasiveness and open standards of
> digital preservation file formats should be the primary goal.
> Interchange between platforms is an additional side benefit.

John -

Going back to the early 1990s, one of the problems with archival
re-recording (as audio preservation was then called), was the implementation
of any standard. For example, during that period the professional audio
community on CompuServe would engage in long discussions about what was the
appropriate destination format for their institutional clients.

In most cases, the larger clients had already done the research and they
knew exactly what they wanted - 1/4" open reel tape - as documented in the
US National Archives procedures manual.

Among many audio professionals, open reel tape was openly derided as being
functionally equivalent to using stone knives, etc., and some in the pro
audio community proposed DAT media instead.

The real problem was that many audio professionals had tossed their open
reel equipment, or wanted to do so shortly. They cited present and future
interchange issues.

But the institutions had the gold, and they made the rules (Golden Rule). Of
course there is a certain irony to using 1/4" open reel tape, given the
problems with sticky shed syndrome.

Now fast-forward to today. Many governmental agencies (and the Grammy
Foundation) have been actively funding audio preservation projects. In my
mind, the Grammy Foundation Basic Methodology for Preserving, Transferring
and Archiving Recorded Media is pretty much the prevailing standard - for
similar gold vs. rules reasons.

So, I really don't see how today's perception of interchange issues should
override professional audio preservation standards - otherwise wouldn't much
of the 1990s era audio be on DAT media today?

To me, the real value of the Grammy preservation methodology is the fairly
explicit data backup descriptions. The current methodology provides some
peace of mind in an area which has potential professional liability.


Parker Dinkins
MasterDigital Corporation
Audio Restoration + CD Mastering

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