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Re: [ARSCLIST] was: Soviet Recordings: labels now Chinese Pi tou he chang tuan

The talk of Russian issues of Beatles LPs brings to mind the disc I uncovered while attempting to get the backlogged vinyl at NYPL cataloged. The item, clad (well, wrapped or enfolded might describe it better)in the thinnest of paper, open on three sides, was titled (this is an absolutely exact transcription)"Sgt Peppeb's Loney Hearps Club Band" played by "Pi tou he chang tuan". For the rest of the bibliographic description, you have to go to Worldcat. I guarantee that a keyword search for "Peppeb" will turn up only one and only one item.

Peter Hirsch

Antrop is a fascinating outfit.For an interview about their early history read http://www.hf.uib.no/russisk/steinholt/articles/tropillo.pdf . Their Beatle records were obviously a labor of love.What I >really love are the custom labels.The Beatle photo in the Parlophone box in the "Past Masters".The red Apple/group photo labels on "Please Please Me" are cool too.The cover photo on the "Hey Jude",makes one >of the nicest cover variations I have seen on any Beatle record from any country.

Go see them here: http://beatlesvinyl.org.ua/

I may buy a few.There is a wealth of vinyl coming up on eBay from Russian sellers.More than almost anywhere.I am just starting to buy some.I have been concentrating on rarer classical that wasn't issued >anywhere else.My two most recent purchases were the Stokowski/USSR State Radio Orchestra Prokofiev No,5 (1958),and two recital records,by Van Cliburn,from his 1961 return trip to Moscow,both early Melodiya >torches.


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