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Re: [ARSCLIST] Early Stereo 1881 and 1931 (Was - Dynadoodoo

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad


Tom Fine wrote (and I second):

> I want to thank Steve, very much, for posting these two programs. Both were
> most interesting. The 
> Keller interview was outstanding -- the BBC reporter had enough knowledge to
> ask intelligent 
> questions and didn't rush an older gentleman as he answered questions.
> .....................................................................

> Also, I highly recommend a reading of Dr. Keller's AES presentation:
> http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=3656
> Dr Keller gives a quick and easily-understood summary of Bell Labs
> innovations related to electronic 
> high fidelity disk recording, stereophony, and related things. Perhaps most
> valuable, he references 
> and includes cover sheets of key patents.

----- to this I would add Keller's autobiography, which is absolutely 

"Reflections of a Stereo Pioneer"
San Francisco Press Inc.1986.

Unfortunately it is by now quite elusive.

One interesting bit for this circle of ARSCLIST-members:

On p. 99 Keller tells us about the hubbub after the re-issue in 1979, and 
says: "...... Then came a lively question-and-answer session ........, 
including a representative from the Voice of America. (I never did find out 
what the VOA representative did with the interview he recorded with me).

Now, either Mike Gray was that representative and has the interview or he 
might be able to get hold of it through connections. Any chance that this 
might be uploaded similarly?

Kind regards,


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