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Re: [ARSCLIST] The Hope of Audacity Was--Re: [ARSCLIST] Seeking recommendations for oral history digitization equipment (fwd)

-----Original Message-----
>From Tom Fine: "...I've never had problems with Windows Media Player as far
as playing CD's...."

I also hadn't noticed any before. The particular recording (Rendezvous, a
Jim Anderson recording of Cassandra Wilson) has an extraordinarily natural
vocal quality that quite simply was missing. It's funny how the human voice
is so frequently what shows up audio problems.

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined!
615.385.8051 http://www.hyperback.com    http://www.thewombforums.com

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