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Re: [ARSCLIST] "Difference Track"

Half an hour of searching brought up nothing for me, at least online. Yours are the best reference charts!

Best advice is do what works, I guess. Back in the 80s our studio at the time went to tremendous lengths to make good cassette masters and refs, with Tandberg and Aiwa high end decks. One day my partner engineer played a music cassette he'd gotten in for his radio show, and remarked on the amazing quality of the high end - inquiries and examination showed that the duplication master had been made with Dolby B, but not marked as such on the release copy. So it had boosted highs when played back normal - some trick!

Ah well.


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Nov 22, 2008, at 1:06 PM, Richard L. Hess wrote:

I agree with you about the Tascam drawing NOT being the last word...I wish someone had drawings that would confirm or challenge the Tascam drawing.

We know that the EQ has been "tweaked" on cassettes over time, so perhaps the track width has been as well.

Also, I suspect that many consumer decks erred on the height of the head to fight the possibility of inter-side crosstalk, which would confirm what you were saying from your experience.

I think what you've said is correct -- I, too, am surprised at the number of cassettes with low right channels when played on a stereo machine, but, on the other hand, I have found some with low left channels.

Cassettes are so little fun and so much has been entrusted to them. It's a shame.

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