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[AV Media Matters] Media Matters - Matters.....

Well I must admit I was getting a tad worried - the traffic on the list
seemed to have hit a real low, but on my return from the FIAT/IFTA
conference in Santiago, Chile there were several postings - so please
pardon the sudden surge of posts - they actually all came in over a
period of a week or so - but this is the first I have been able to get
to them.

I would like to encourage a bit more feedback to requests for
information.  I have spoken to several people who have had answers sent
to them directly. While that is OK, it would be great to share the
comments with the entire list so that we can all benefit from the
expertise that is available here.  The list continues to grow despite my
total lack of time for promotion - we are up to 566 people now, and the
population of the list includes some very impressive people indeed - in
addition to those involved in the "archival" side of things - there are
members who are experts in magnetics, forensic video and audio, DTV,
Video Post Production, as well as manufacturers, distributors, and sales
people. A very interesting cross section.

So post your questions - the list is here for you!


Jim Lindner
The Full Service Magnetic Media Restoration Company
Toll Free Help Line - 800-653-8434

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