AV-Media-Matters - Subject Thread Index for Oct 1999

Last updated: Sun Oct 28 18:28:45 GMT 2007
30 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [AV Media Matters] Beta Release of Convertafile, Jim Lindner
  • [AV Media Matters] Feast or Famine, Jim Lindner
  • [AV Media Matters] Anyone with AIT failures skills?, rohre
  • [AV Media Matters] Archives Resource Community Website, shubha
  • [AV Media Matters] New Recorded Sound Discussion List, seubert
  • [AV Media Matters] DV recording robustness-another perspective, e . ha . zwaneveld
  • [AV Media Matters] Volumetric Density and Tape Thickness for Magnetic Tape Syste, e . ha . zwaneveld
  • [AV Media Matters] RV: Let's go on talking about DV, and other digital formats.., vtecnica
  • [AV Media Matters] Resource descriptors for AV, dhaliwal
  • [AV Media Matters] Audio Tape Preservation Article, david
  • [AV Media Matters] Film Rewashing / Vinegar Snydrome, Jim Lindner
  • [AV Media Matters] Media Matters - Matters....., Jim Lindner
  • [AV Media Matters] let's talk about DV., eleanor
  • [AV Media Matters] position at Emory University, libavf
  • RE: [AV Media Matters] migrating media, amipa2
  • [AV Media Matters] Anyone wanna make a recomendation?, amipa2

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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