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Re: [AV Media Matters] Resource descriptors for AV

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 dhaliwal@stv12.com.sg wrote:

>Is there a set of descriptors for audio-visual materials, like MESH (Medical
>Subject Headings for medicine)?

Anglo American cataloging rules do have specific designations for
audio-visual materials.

Rule 1.1C is the rule giving the General Materials Description (GMD)
- sound recording, motion picture, computer file, etc.

Rule 1.5B is where you tell exactly what it is - audiocassette,
compact disk, 3/4 in. video, 16mm, etc. - and how many you have.

You can get more information and up-to-date information if you speak
with a cataloger at either a main branch library or a college

Debra Jo Sujka

                           Debra Jo Sujka
                   Ryerson Polytechnic University
                    Library - Technical Services
                          350 Victoria St.
                   Toronto, Ont., Canada, M5B 2K3

                   Phone: 416-979-5000, ext. 7349
                         Fax: 416-979-5215
                   E-Mail: djsujka@acs.ryerson.ca

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