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RE: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp
We have two "ELBERG MD12 Multicurve Disc preamp 78 RPM and RIAA
Record Preamplifier" available from:
The preamp uses 'dial-up' settings for particular labels/discs and
can deal with RIAA as well as coarsegroove (78rpm). It's easy to
use and works very well.
Nigel Bewley
Manager, Technical Department
British Library National Sound Archive
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB
'phone: +44 (0)207 412 7435
fax: +44 (0)27 4012 7416
www.cadensa.bl.uk (on-line catalogue)
-----Original Message-----
From: Gilles St-Laurent [mailto:gilles.st-laurent@nlc-bnc.ca]
Sent: 10 December 2002 13:48
To: AV Media Matters
Subject: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp
I've been asked to help the Gramophone Archive in Ghana set-up a
small 78 RPM recording studio. The equipment has been chosen except
for the phono-preamp. I had originally chosen a KAB Souvenir EQS
MK12 Preamp/Equalizer but was told that KAB was "unable to find a
220V power pak that is suitable". Can anyone recommend a high
quality (both build and sonic) phono preamp/equalizer which runs on
Gilles St-Laurent
Music Division
National Library of Canada