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Re: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp

I had considered this for use in my studio but found 2 major design

Turnover and rolloff are not separate but combined, severly limiting
the device's flexibility.

There is no "vertical" switch which prevents playing of vertically
cut grooves- Pathe, Edison, many transcriptions, etc.

Without the "vertical" option, it is not possible to null out the
two lateral groove signals, left and right.  In my experience, a
great many 78s are not cut vertically but cant to one side or the
other.  This is particularly true of non-commercial discs.  Though
the balance control can make up for this when the discrepency
becomes audible enough, it is more often quite subtle- something's
wrong but you can't figure out what. Nulling out as a matter of
routine bypasses this issue.

I checked a page or two of the site.  The author's coyness
concerning price is disturbing.  I couln't find it.  In my opinion,
this should always be clear and near the top, no more than one
screen down.  When this is not the case, I always assume it is too
expensive for me and usually discontinue looking if the price is not
clear and up-front.

I believe the design and presentation of this device should be
rethought before offering it to the ariching community.

Steven Smolian

----- Original Message -----
From: <nigel.bewley@bl.uk>
To: "AV Media Matters" <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 5:14 AM
Subject: RE: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp

> Gilles
> We have two "ELBERG MD12 Multicurve Disc preamp 78 RPM and RIAA Record
> Preamplifier" available
> from: http://www.vadlyd.dk/English/RIAA_and_78_RPM_preamp.html
> The preamp uses 'dial-up' settings for particular labels/discs and can
> deal with RIAA as well as coarsegroove (78rpm).  It's easy to use and works
> very well.
> Regards
> Nigel
> Nigel Bewley
> Manager, Technical Department
> British Library National Sound Archive
> 96 Euston Road
> London NW1 2DB
> nigel.bewley@bl.uk
> 'phone: +44 (0)207 412 7435
> fax: +44 (0)27 4012 7416
> www.bl.uk/nsa
> www.cadensa.bl.uk  (on-line catalogue)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gilles St-Laurent [mailto:gilles.st-laurent@nlc-bnc.ca]
> Sent: 10 December 2002 13:48
> To: AV Media Matters
> Subject: [AV Media Matters] Phono pre-amp
> I've been asked to help the Gramophone Archive in Ghana set-up a small 78
> RPM recording studio.  The equipment has been chosen except for the
> phono-preamp.  I had originally chosen a KAB Souvenir EQS MK12
> Preamp/Equalizer but was told that KAB was "unable to find a 220V power pak
> that is suitable".  Can anyone recommend a high quality (both build and
> sonic) phono preamp/equalizer which runs on 220?
> Thanks
> Gilles St-Laurent
> Music Division
> National Library of Canada

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