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Resource conservation

Dana S. Emery 

> Where there is a problem induced by a material shortage (ie,
> snakewood fit for bows) common sense suggests that the
> profesion should explore alternative substances,

This seems a good place to put in a plug for the conservation of
natural-materials resources, because:

>...without the _public support_ to guarantee adequate funding
> the task will prove hopeless.  (emphasis mine)

The active constituency for preservation of pernambuco or
snakewood, or even Bosnian maple, is small, so we're talking
about the need to press for general forest conservation
worldwide. After all, we don't want museum collections of antique
musical instruments to be esteemed more highly as wood-samples of
extinct tree species than as artifacts of craft and culture :-) 
Some readers may not be aware of W.A.R.P., the wood-worker's
alliance for rain-forest protection, which engages in various
activities around education and the promotion of sustainable
forestry practises. Clearly all who work with wood instruments
have a vital interest in the subject. W.A.R.P., Box 133, Coos
Bay, Oregon 97420 USA

Geo Kloppel         <geok@aol.com>

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