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[FYI] Universal Preservation Format User Survey (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 10:32:57 -0500
From: Terry Kuny <Terry.Kuny@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Digital Libraries Research mailing list
To: DIGLIB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [FYI] Universal Preservation Format User Survey

The Universal Preservation Format User Survey is now available on-line via
the UPF homepage: http://info.wgbh.org/upf

Anyone involved or interested in digital archives or digital libraries is
welcome to fill out this form. The information collected from this survey
will be presented at the next meeting the Society of Motion Picture and
Television Engineers (SMPTE) Study Group for the Universal Preservation
Format will be held on Tuesday, December 9, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Sony
Corporation in San Jose, CA.

It is crucial that those who establish technical standards hear from those
who will be most affected by them. Our proposed standard will have an impact
on video and film collections, but on all materials that are digitized for
the purpose of preservation.

To access our survey, just click on the "User Survey" link on our homepage,
fill out the form, and click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the
page. You will then be prompted to return to the UPF homepage. If you
haven't had the opportunity to look at the information on this site, please
think about doing so now. In particular, download some of our colorful
presentations in Adobe Acrobat format.

If you have trouble accessing our survey or web pages, please send me email
at thom_shepard@xxxxxxxx .

Thom Shepard
UPF Project Coordinator


The UPF project is sponsored by the WGBH Educational Foundation and funded
in part by a grant (97-029) from the National Historical Publications and
Records Commission of the National Archives for the purpose of advocating
"the need for  a platform-independent Universal Preservation Format,
designed specifically for digital technologies, that will ensure the
accessibility of a wide range of data types into the indefinite future."

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