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Re: Repetitive Motion Syndrome

In my fourteen years of running Jensen Bindery and BookLab, RMS was a
constant problem with a significant, but minority number of our staff.
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome was also a recurring issue/problem. I have
osteoarthritis in my hands and carpel tunnel syndrome in both my wrists
from years of bookbinding and repair. Our solution was to cross train
people and let them move around when their condition flared up. On a couple
of occasions we had to reassign people for extended periods of time to
clerical or other types of positions while they recuperated and some people
quit because the condition was too painful.

Craig Jensen

>I am interested in knowing whether any book treatment staff you supervise
>have developed repetitive motion syndrome or other similar maladies as a
>result of their repair work.  Eg lifting books from shelves in holding
>areas incorrectly causing shoulder pain or shoulder and neck pain from
>standing over the bench while doing the work or wrist problems due to the
>angle at which tools are held for long periods of time.  (Part of the cause
>of some of these problems is the height of the person in relation to a
>stationary height of the workbench, epsecially when standing.  Most of our
>staff do not use the stools we provide but prefer to stand for much of
>their work.)  We have had two cases of it in our lab over the past two
>years and I wonder whether the staff of other conservation programs have
>had similar experiences.  Certainly it is not something I would have
>associated with book repair until recently.  For our folks who have
>developed the symptoms we have made all necessary accommodations so that
>they can continue working with reduced pain and increased comfort.
>I welcome your observations.  Thank you.
>Robert Milevski
>Robert J. Milevski
>Preservation Librarian
>Princeton University Library
>One Washington Road
>Princeton, NJ 08544
>(609) 258-5591
>Fax:  (609) 258-4105
>Email:  milevski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Craig W. Jensen
Vice President of Imaging
Acme Bookbinding
6112 Janey Drive
Austin, TX  78757

(512) 451-6370



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