PADG - Subject Thread Index for Apr 1999

Last updated: Thu Feb 05 22:40:11 GMT 2009
34 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • Re: National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of Preservat, homo obsolescensis
  • LC National Digital Library-Ameritech Competition Winners, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • LC National Digital Library Program announces release of-Origins of American Animation, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • Export Tool for Xerox RDO Files, Anne R. Kenney
  • Repetitive Motion Syndrome, Robert J. Milevski
  • Weeding collections, Becky Ryder
  • April 1999 Issue of RLG DigiNews available, Robin Dale
  • PADG Info, Bekir Kemal Ataman
  • LC National Digital Library Program announces the release of the Thomas Jefferson Papers, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • binding query, Barbara Sagraves
  • Richmond, VA Mold Workshop Deadline Approaching, ccaha
  • NISO draft Z39.79 Environmental conditions, Lydia Preiss
  • New Strategies for Regional Disaster Mitigation, Alicia Riley-Walden
  • 2nd Online conference on the Congress on Professional Educ, lsmith
  • RE: New Strategies for Regional Disaster mitigation and Response, Henry Grunder
  • Re: New Strategies for Regional Disaster mitigation and Response, Bettina Detweiler-Blakely
  • Digital Position Available, Sherry Byrne
  • Early-bird deadline for School for Scanning 4-14-99, Ginny Hughes
  • Bindery software, Kenyon Family
  • Sprink-Off System, Winston Atkins
  • More about microfilm processing and printing systems, rdecandido
  • Microfilm processing and printing program, rdecandido
  • Fwd: Revised draft of Z39.62: Eye-legible Information on Microfilm Leaders, Barbara Berger

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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