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[PADG:1152] Re: PARS--why it works the way it does

Ross Atkinson, the ALCTS representative on ALA Council, reported
at the ALCTS Board of Directors meeting that there was a very long
discussion (about 1.5 hours) at Council about the chat software.  A
lot of concern was raised about how this might violate the ALA open
meetings policy.  While Council provisionally passed the motion about
using the chat software, I'm not sure how widely available it will be and 
when.  I will try and check into this more to see when and if the chat 
software will be made available and get back to the listserv. 

Joy Paulson

At 10:51 AM 1/19/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>        I absolutely agree with Lorraine and Steve that we don't want
>        to fix something till it's broke. But I do think that we need
>        to start factoring in electronic participation (of which this
>        is a good example).
>        Can (should) there be effective electronic Discussion Group
>        exchanges between conferences?
>        Could such exchanges be organized in ways similar to DG
>        meetings?
>        Could they come up with action ideas to bring to the parent
>        committee?
>        Could they replace in-a-room meetings?
>        ALA Council just approved (provisionally) using chat software
>        for Association business. They were thinking of it for unit
>        meetings but it might work very well for DG's.
>        It seems to me that one or two of the DG's could could
>        experiment with trying to carry on discussion by list or chat
>        or some other means and use some of their face-to-face time to
>        evaluate the experience.
>        Bob DeCandido

Joy Paulson					email:   jp243@xxxxxxxxxxx
Preservation Librarian				phone: (607) 255 - 7950
A.R. Mann Library				fax:      (607 255 - 0318
Cornell University
Ithaca, 14853

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