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[PADG:1276] Re: Richard Cox takes on Nicholson Baker--live!

Lorraine - I read Cox's reply to Baker on FirstMonday, and so did Gary
Frost, who commented on Cox's debating skill in his own website.  He and I
agreed that Cox is not a good debater, because his arguments are faulty.

So I don't think either party will bring much light to be shed on the
topic.  I would say they deserve each other.  But thanks for letting me


>At the Center for Research Libraries meeting on Friday, there was a
>thoughtful and witty presentation by Archivist Richard Cox responding to
>Nicholson Baker's allegations about newspapers and their
>preservation.   Cox mentioned that he will be debating Baker at Simmons on
>May 16.  The announcement for the event is at
>http://www.simmons.edu/gslis/alumni/alumnday01.html.  I don't know if this
>has been widely publicized, but I do hope that my east coast colleagues
>will be able to attend "The Great Paper Debate" and cheer for our guy.
>You may read Cox's response to Baker's New Yorker article on newspapers in
>First Monday http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue5_12/cox/.
>Lorraine Olley
>Head, Preservation Department
>Northwestern University Library
>1935 Sheridan Road
>Evanston, IL 60208
>847-491-4672 v
>847-491-8306 f

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