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[PADG:373] Re: PARS Recording Media Ctte Report -- ALA Midwinter 2005

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the report.

Regarding 2005 Annual, I'm assuming the next committee meeting will also be on June 26th in conjunction with the program? I just want to confirm the date as I'm putting together my travel request forms this week.

Also, please let me know if there's any committee work that I can be assisting with.

Hope you're well,

Clareson,Tom wrote:

Here is an update from the PARS Recording Committee meeting at ALA Midwinter in Boston. Please contact me with any questions.

<<PARS Recording Ctte Report Midwinter 2005.doc>>

Tom Clareson
Global Product Manager
Digital Planning and Education Services
Digital Collection Services Division
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
6565 Frantz Road
Dublin, Ohio 43017-3395
Phone: 800/848-5878, x 6071
Fax: 614/718-7412
E-Mail: Tom_Clareson@xxxxxxxx

-- Scott W. Devine Head, Preservation Department North Carolina State University Libraries Campus Box 7111 Raleigh, NC 27695-7111 Tel. 919.513.1226 Fax. 919.515.7292 http://www.lib.ncsu.edu

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