PADG - Subject Thread Index for May 2005

Last updated: Fri Feb 06 01:47:10 GMT 2009
45 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [PADG:480] Preservation Training Consultant Positions at Amigos, Rebecca Elder
  • [PADG:479] Amigos Book Repair Training Consultant Position, Rebecca Elder
  • [PADG:478] Library Binding DG - ALA Annual/Chicago, Laura Cameron
  • [PADG:477] PARS discussion group at annual, Carla Montori
  • [PADG:476] PREMIS working group Data dictionary, Cathleen Mook
  • [PADG:475] Deadlines and updates for The Changing Book, July 2005, Baum, Kristin A
  • [PADG:474] Collections acquired from outside U.S., Tyra Grant
  • [PADG:473] REFRESH! Histories of Media Art: Program and Registration, Pete Otis
  • [PADG:472] ALA Annual Conference, PADG Agenda, Cathleen Mook
  • [PADG:471] Librarian position at National Library of Medicine, Dugan, Mary Kate (NIH/NLM)
  • [PADG:470] RE: Librarian position at the National Library of Medi cine, Byrnes, Margaret (NIH/NLM)
  • [PADG:469] Librarian position at the National Library of Medicine, Dugan, Mary Kate (NIH/NLM)
  • [PADG:468] Position at Illinois State University, Beth Schobernd
  • [PADG:466] Film Preservation Lecture, jeanann croft
  • [PADG:465] Job posting, Francine DeFranco
  • [PADG:464] Re-post: Head of Conservation Services, Northwestern University Library, Tyra Grant
  • [PADG:461] [Fwd: Electronic petition for Restoration of Funding for NHPRC], jennifer hain teper
  • [PADG:459] Preservation and Conservation Grads, Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
  • [PADG:458] Save$$ on Two SOLINET Preservation Classes, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:457] Shelby Sanett/Amigos is out of the office., Shelby Sanett
  • [PADG:456] FW: Early-bird registration deadline approaching for 2005 Preconference!, Paulson, Barbara
  • [PADG:455] Re: Chicago PADG posters--a possible idea, Ann Olszewski
  • [PADG:454] Specifications Library for a Digital Archive, Cathleen Mook
  • [PADG:453] FW: Assistance needed, Drewes, Jeanne
  • [PADG:452] RE: FW: [EXLIBRIS:30009] Fwd: A Harvard man uses the l ibrary, ca. 1840, Cybulski, Walter (NIH/NLM)
  • [PADG:451] FW: [EXLIBRIS:30009] Fwd: A Harvard man uses the library, ca. 1840, Paulson, Barbara
  • [PADG:450] Head of Conservation Services: Northwestern University Library, Tyra Grant
  • [PADG:449] Friday forward thinking, Jacob Nadal
  • [PADG:448] Re: DVD cleaning, Tyra Grant
  • [PADG:447] Re: DVD cleaning, DuBose, Stefanie
  • [PADG:446] RE: 16 mm film canisters, Cybulski, Walter (NIH/NLM)
  • [PADG:445] 16 mm film canisters, Kraft, Nancy E
  • [PADG:444] Re: DVD cleaning, Rachel Hoff
  • [PADG:443] Archiving digital images, Hilary Seo
  • [PADG:442] Mailing List, Anna F. Greene
  • [PADG:441] Job Posting: Associate University Librarian, Collection Services, Julie Page
  • [PADG:440] microfilm reader, Cathleen Mook
  • [PADG:439] RE: Photocopier specs, Carli, Alice
  • [PADG:438] Photocopier specs, DuBose, Stefanie
  • [PADG:437] School for Scanning Deadline Extended to May 17, 2005, Julie Carlson
  • [PADG:436] SOLINET Summer 2005 Preservation Classes, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:435] IMLS Awards National Leadership Grant to NEDCC, Julie Carlson

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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