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[padg] "what to preserve" conference on April 7

Do any of you plan to attend the JISC, BL and DPC workshop:  “What to Preserve:   Significant Properties of Digital Objects”?  It is being held at the British Library Convention Centre in London on Monday, April 7.  
From the announcement:  “Significant properties are essential characteristics of a digital object which must be preserved over time for the digital object to remain accessible and meaningful. Proper understanding of the significant properties of digital objects is critical to establish best practices and helps answer the fundamental question related to digital preservation: what to preserve?
If you attend the conference and if you are attending ALA Annual Meeting in Anaheim, would you be willing to provide an overview of the conference to the ALA Digital Preservation Discussion Group?
If your travel “stars” are in alignment with this suggestion, can you respond to me or Cathy Martyniak?   Contact information below:
Cathy Martyniak
Becky Ryder
Many thanks!
Best regards,

Becky Ryder
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Becky Ryder
Head, Preservation Services &
Principal Investigator, The Daily Racing Form Preservation Project
110 King Library
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY  40506-0039
phone:  859-257-5713
fax:  859-257-3388
email:  rjryde01@xxxxxxx

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