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[padg] NEH Funding Cuts ACTION ALERT: More Calls and Letters Needed!

ACTION ALERT:  More Calls Needed to Support NEH


Dear Colleague,


The Co-Chairs of the Congressional Humanities Caucus, Rep. David Price

(D-NC) and Rep. Phil English (R-PA), are circulating a Dear Colleague letter in the House in support of $177 million in funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities (a $32 million increase). This increase is needed, not only to begin significant restoration of funding for NEH, but to offset nearly $7 million in cuts to core programs proposed in the President's FY 2009 budget request.


As of this writing (3/14/08), 59 members of the House of Representatives have agreed to sign the letter.  We need as many signatures as possible, and still have a long way to go to reach our goal of over 100 names.  Please review the list at the end of this message, and call or email your representative if he/she has not already agreed to sign the letter.


Thank you for your support.




Jessica Jones Irons

Executive Director

National Humanities Alliance

21 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 800

Washington, DC 20036





Call, email, or fax your Representative TODAY and ask him/her to sign on to this letter.  A draft message is posted for you to email or fax your Member of Congress at the Humanities Advocacy Network's website:


 Please feel free to customize the message, especially if you have recently participated in Humanities Advocacy Day congressional visits.


A large number of signatures on the Dear Colleague letter, particularly if they represent both sides of the aisle, will send a very important message to the leadership of the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee as they begin to work on the mark-up of the FY 2009 spending bill. All Members of Congress can be reached by phone through the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121.


Note:  Appropriations Committee members do not typically sign Dear Colleague letters addressed to their Subcommittee.





I write to ask that you sign on to a Dear Colleague letter currently circulating by Rep. David Price (D-NC) and Rep. Phil English (R-PA), requesting $177 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities in FY 2009, an increase of approximately $30 million over the FY 2008 enacted level and the President's request.


The proposed increase would provide additional resources for important on-going NEH programs including state humanities councils, research, education, preservation, and public programming.  It would also allow NEH to extend the reach of two of its major initiatives: the "We the People" program and the Digital Humanities Initiative.


The Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee said that signing this letter does not require certification and will not count against a Members' earmark requests.


For more information or to sign on to the letter, please contact Kate Roetzer with Rep. David Price at 5-1784 or Peter Sperry with Rep. Phil English at 5-5406.  The deadline to sign the letter is Monday, March 17.  You can view text of the letter at:








Price, David (co-sponsor)

English, Philip (co-sponsor)

Abercrombie, Neil

Allen, Tom

Altmire, Jason

Baca, Joe

Baldwin, Tammy

Berkley, Shelley

Berman, Howard

Boswell, Leonard

Boyda, Nancy

Capps, Lois

Capuano, Mike

Cleaver, Emanuel

Conyers, John

Cubin, Barbara

DeLauro, Rosa

Dent, Charles

Dingell, John

Fortenberry, Jeff

Frank, Barney

Gerlach, Jim

Gonzalez, Charlie

Grijalva, Raul

Herseth-Sandlin, Stephanie

Hodes, Paul

Inslee, Jay

Johnson, Tim

Kucinich, Dennis

Langevin, Jim

Levin, Sander

LoBiondo, Frank

Loebsack, Dave

Lucas, Frank

Maloney, Carolyn

Matheson, Jim

Matsui, Doris

McDermott, Jim

McGovern, James

Michaud, Michael

Miller, Brad

Moran, Jerry

Moran, Jim

Nadler, Jerrold

Ortiz, Solomon

Reichert, David

Reyes, Silvestre

Sarbanes, John

Scott, Bobby

Scott, David

Slaughter, Louise

Smith, Chris

Snyder, Vic

Solis, Hilda

Tauscher, Ellen

Thompson, Mike

Van Hollen, Chris

Waxman, Henry

Woolsey, Lynn

Wu, David

Yarmouth, John

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