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[padg] PAIG Agenda, Midwinter 2009

Please find attached the agenda and session information for the
Preservation Administration Interest Group, January 24, 2009. 

Preservation Administration Interest Group

Date: 	Saturday, January 24, 2009
Time: 	8:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M.
Location: 	Marriott City Center, Colorado Ballroom G-J
		1701 California Street
		Denver, CO 80202

8:30-8:45	PARS Chair Greeting & Announcements
		Walter Cybulski (NLM), PARS Chair

8:45-9:00	PARS Reorganization News
		PARS exec: Walter Cybulski (NLM), Chair
		Andy Hart (UNC), Outgoing Chair
		Karen Brown (SUNY Albany), Chair-elect

9:00-9:30	Forging the Future: New Tools for Variable Media Art
		Sharon Quinn Fitzgerald (Univ. Maine)
		Marilyn Lutz (Univ. Maine)

9:30-9:45	Poster Sessions and Projects Intro

* Kathleen Frear, Floppy Disk Preservation at the University of Chicago
* Martha Horan, A Needs Assessment at the Beinecke Rare Book and
Manuscript Library at Yale University 
* Sharon Fitzgerald and Marilyn Lutz, Forging the Future: New Tools for
Variable Media Art Preservation 

9:45-10:15	Break and Poster Session

10:15-10:30	NEDCC Preservation Education Curriculum
		Lori Foley (NEDCC)

10:30-11:30	Preservation at the Network Level: Print Archives And
Large Scale Digitization
		Cathy Martyniak (UFL)
		Constance Malpas (OCLC-RLG Programs)
		Roger Schonfeld (Ithaka)
11:30-12:00	General Announcements

See you in Denver! Your co-chairs,

Jacob Nadal (Preservation Officer, UCLA Library)

Patricia Morris (Faculty Director, Preservation Dept., Univ. Colorado,

Attachment: PAIG Midwinter2009 Denver Agenda (v5).doc
Description: PAIG Midwinter2009 Denver Agenda (v5).doc

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