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[padg] FW: [alctsleaders] Invitation to eforum on copyright and digital collections

This could be most interesting.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dina Giambi [mailto:dinag@xxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 6:27 PM
To: ALCTS Division Leaders
Subject: [alctsleaders] Invitation to eforum on copyright and digital collections

I am posting the announcement on behalf of Cheryl Walters.
Dina Giambi

*Feb. 23-24, 2009 - "*Copyright and Digital Collections*"
*Moderated by Cheryl D. Walters, Head, Digital Initiatives at Utah State 
University's Merrill-
Cazier Library.

Join a discussion on the virtual side, talking about copyright issues 
associated with creating and curating digital collections. When your 
Library creates digital content, do you play it safe by sticking 
strictly to older works that clearly are in the public domain? Or have 
you ventured into murkier waters such as art slides, recorded 
interviews, materials with multiple layers of intellectual rights such 
as beat poetry (written by one person, illustrated by another), etc.? 
Tell us about your copyright adventures as they relate to digital 
collections. Be they successes or failures, they are all fodder for this 

Discussion will begin on Monday, Feb. 23 at 9 am (Mountain Time) and 
conclude the next day at 5 pm.

*To register:*

Go to: _http://lists.ala.org/sympa_, click on /Assoc. for Library 
Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS)/ under
the *ALA Divisions *heading, then choose _alcts-eforum@xxxxxxxx . 
Participation is free and open to anyone who registers for a login and 
password. Instructions for obtaining a login and password are given on 
the list homepage. Even if this particular eforum topic does not appeal, 
register and watch for others more to your liking.

Cheryl D. Walters
Head, Digital Initiatives Dept.
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
UMC 3000
Logan, UT 84322-3000
(435) 797-2623
(435) 797-2880 (fax)

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