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[padg] digital archiving? Archiving meeting May 4 to 7.

This is a reminder to the librarians dealing with digital files out there that the 2009 Archiving meeting will be held in Arlington, Virginia at the Hilton Crystal City, May 4 to 7. Registration information just went up this week. For convenience, I’ve summarized the program (mostly minus authors to save space). There are two sessions: Digital Collection Stewardship and Imaging and Preservation. Interactive talks are what many conferences calls posters. However, here the presenters have a couple of minutes to give a speed summary about their poster and then are available with their poster displays later for one-on-one discussions.  Prior to the meeting, there are nine short courses being offered (listed first below) running from two to six hours each. I listed the keynote addresses next followed by formal papers and finally the interactive papers. Remember that this meeting is intended as a place for archivists and librarians to meet with scientists and engineers.

For more information go to




Web Harvesting with the Web Curator Tool (4 hours)

Instructor: Gordon Paynter,

National Library of New Zealand


The $5,000 Digitization Solution (4 hours)

Instructor: Ken Allen, Ken Allen Studios


Scanner & Camera Imaging

Performance Workshop Course (6 hours)

Instructors: Don Williams, consultant, and

Peter Burns, Carestream Health, Inc.


Using JHOVE for Format Identification,

Characterization, and Validation (2 hours)

Instructor: Sheila M. Morrissey, Portico


Color Image Workflows and Architecture for

Archiving Applications (6 hours)

Instructor: Sabine Süsstrunk,

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)


Collection Integrity Monitoring Using the

Audit Control Environment (ACE) (2 hours)

Instructor: Mike Smorul, University of Maryland


Applying Digital Forensics Techniques to

Materials Acquired on Physical Media (4 hours)

Instructor: Christopher (Cal) Lee, University of

North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Designing Submission Agreements

for Digital Repositories (2 hours)

Instructors: Carolyn Hank and Helen Tibbo,

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Mining Contextual Information for Digital

Preservation with ContextMiner (2 hours)

Instructors: Chirag Shah and Helen Tibbo,

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill





Building a Digital Archive and Digital

Preservation Management Solution,

Steve Knight, National Library of New

Zealand (New Zealand)


Present Status and Next Steps for the

Google Book Search Project, Dan Clancy,

Google (USA)


Challenges and Opportunities for Digital

Stewardship in the Era of Hope and Crisis,

Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked

Information (USA)


Digital Collection Stewardship


Economically Sustainable Digital


San Diego Supercomputer Center



This Elephant Never Forgets: Preservation,

Cooperation, and the Making of HathiTrust

Digital Library,  University of

Michigan (USA)


Quality of Operations for Research Data

Repositories—Data Seal of Approval

Assessment, Data Archiving

& Networked Services - DANS (The



Electronic Records Services for Archival


US National Archives and Records

Administration (USA)


Generating Metadata for Digital Preservation:

The Chronopolis Scenario,

University of California San Diego Libraries and 2San

Diego Supercomputer Center (USA)


A Selection and Archiving Strategy for

Science Records,

US Geological Survey (USA)


Preserving Geospatial Data: The National

Geospatial Digital Archive’s Approach,

University of California, Santa

Barbara (USA)


Assessing the Utility of Current Format

Registry Efforts for Geospatial Formats,

Stanford University

Libraries, and Content

Innovations, LLC (USA)


Meeting the Preservation Demand Responsibly

= Lowering the Ingest Bar? (Focal),

Harvard University Library (USA)


Digital Preservation: Using the E Mail

Account XML Schema,

Smithsonian Institution (USA)


One Man’s Obsoleteness is Another Man’s

Innovation: A Risk Analysis Methodology for

Digital Collections,

National Library of New

Zealand (New Zealand)


A System for Automated Extraction of Metadata

from Scanned Documents Using Layout

Recognition and String Pattern Search

Models, National Library of Medicine (USA)

Barriers to Adopting PREMIS in Cultural

Heritage Institutions: An Exploratory Study,

University of NorthTexas (USA)


Imaging and Preservation


Digitising the Dead Sea Scrolls,

Snapshot Spectra (USA)


Preparing for the Image Literate Decade,

Image Science Associates, and

Carestream Health, Inc. (USA)


Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging

Guidelines “One Size Fits All”,

National Library of the

Netherlands (The Netherlands)


Survey of Digital Print Experience within

Libraries, Archives, and Museums,

Image Permanence Institute at the Rochester Institute

of Technology; and George Eastman House International Museum of

Photography and Film (USA)


Management of Spectral Imaging Archives

for Scientific Preservation Studies,

Library of Congress; and  R.B. Toth Associates (USA)


Image Quality and End-User Decision

Making (Focal), University of Michigan (USA)


The Digital Preservation of Uncompressed

and Losslessly Compressed Archival Video,

JISC Digital Media (UK)


Federal Digitization—Moving to Common

Guidelines, Library of Congress (USA)


The Lifecycle of Embedded Image Metadata

within Digital Photographs: Challenges and

Best Practices (or The Secret Life of Photo

Metadata), Stock Artists Alliance and Library of Congress (USA)


A Status Report on JPEG 2000 Implementation

for Still Images: The UConn Survey,

University of Connecticut Libraries (USA)


From Imaging to Access: Effective

Preservation of Legacy Removable Media,

Indiana University (USA)


Effects on Color Management When Using a

Glass Platen to Flatten Book Pages or

Documents While Capturing Images with a

Digital Still Camera, Western Michigan

University (USA)


Implementing Imaging Standards: The

Longest Yard, Center for Digital

Imaging Inc. (USA)


New Developments in Using Holographic

Data Storage Technology for Archive

Storage & Distribution, InPhase

Technologies (USA)


The FamilySearch (LDS Church) Process to

Capture, Process, Index, and Host Millions

of Images and Metadata,

FamilySearch (USA)


Study of Contemporary Art Preservation

with Digitization,

Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des

Musées de France (France)


Preparing for the Future as We Build

Collections, University of Alabama (USA)

RDF Data Model in Digital Archive Systems
and Applications, University of Applied
Sciences (Finland)

Legal Agreements Governing Archiving
Partnerships: The NGDA Approach,
Stanford University; and University of California, Santa Barbara (USA)

Ingestion and Indigestion: Negotiating

Between States in the Digital Cloud,

Washington State Archives



Automatic Building Up Documents Taxonomy

Through Metadata Analysis, University of Rome “Tor

Vergata” (Italy)


Communicating Digital Preservation,

Library of Congress (USA)


Camera Scans—Using a Digital Camera as a

Film Scanner, Peter Krogh (USA)


Douglas Nishimura
Image Permanence Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology


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