PADG - Subject Thread Index for Feb 1998

Last updated: Thu Feb 05 22:23:45 GMT 2009
43 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • PARS Leadership Guidelines draft--reminder, Lorraine Olley
  • tie-binders, Kristen Kern
  • [Fwd: Digital Library Initiative-Phase 2 Welcomes Humanities Projects], Tamara Swora
  • conservation vs preservation, Gretchen Fulforth Stroh
  • Advice on effective speaker for preservation fundraising, Wes Boomgaarden
  • Conf. call availability, Sherry Byrne
  • Volume 2, Issue 1 of RLG DigiNews now available, Robin Dale
  • New NDL motion picture colletion, Tamara Swora
  • Polyglot binding dictionary, cmook
  • Fumigation, cmook
  • Copyflo, Lorraine Olley
  • rumor, Abbey Publications
  • New Collection from the LC National Digital Library, Tamara Swora
  • Innoculations, Normandy Helmer
  • Positions at Yale, Paul Conway
  • bookends, Shannon Zachary
  • preservation and processing dept., Gretchen Fulforth Stroh
  • PARS Schedule ALA Annual Conference 1998, Steven D. Smith
  • University of Maryland Preservation Web Page, Yvonne A. Carignan
  • Summer Courses in Conservation, Frederick Bearman
  • Re: PARS Leadership Guidelines Draft (fwd), n c schrock
  • rubber bands, Annie Armour

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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